About Us

At De Dynamic Fashion Co., Ltd., we have always worked hard to provide our customers with good products at the most reasonable price. To provide our customers with more convenience during shopping, we are now opening an online retail channel, SHWEMall.com. From browsing for products to purchasing them, SHWEMall can provide our customers with a pleasant experience.

With SHWEMall, we believe we will be able to serve our customers better in their shopping experiences. We will try to ship the products as fast as we can to save our customers’ time. By providing varieties of products, good price and fast delivery, the whole departmental store is now accessible at the touch of your figure tips.

Welcome to SHWEMall.com!


De Dynamic Fashion Co., Ltd.

262,  #05-01 Bargaya Road

Myaynigone Sanchaunt Tsp

Yangon, Myanmar

Phone No.

General Issue : +95 - 9403212122, 9403212123

Sales               : +95 - 9403212125, 9403212126

Email  : info@shwemall.com